Search not working properly in "goodmerged" lists

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Search not working properly in "goodmerged" lists

Post by davbarc » Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:18 pm

Hello! thanks for this amazing software,
i think i found a bug in the search engine, it doesn't find games if they are children of a goodmerged listing, for example:


maybe i am doing something wrong? thank you very much for your time (and sorry for my english from google translate)
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Re: Search not working properly in "goodmerged" lists

Post by butter100fly » Mon Nov 14, 2022 9:59 am

Hi there!

Thanks, below is a pic of a NES goodmerged set's listing, as you can see the children are there (Probotector is in there, its just off the screen)

It looks like your set is not actually a goodmerged set, unless you've heavily customised it, as a you would see (J) instead of (Japan) for instance. What is the contents of the zip for that ROM? But even if its not a GoodMerged set the GoodMerge functionality iirc should show all contents of a zip if you've enabled GoodMerged support on that Romdata (any random zip would show all its constituent files, whether they are NES roms or not). So I'm suprised that you have zip contents that aren't appearing. Do you know how the zip file was compressed, what algorithm was used?
Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 09.49.49.png
Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 09.49.49.png (1.26 MiB) Viewed 22786 times
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Re: Search not working properly in "goodmerged" lists

Post by butter100fly » Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:43 pm

Ah I see what you're saying now. No the search bar can only find titles of parent zips. If you want to see why, IIRC file-finding by keyboard DOES (incorrectly IMHO) work within zips, try typing Probo when focussed on the main roms panel (assuming you have a full NES set) and look at how long it takesto find Probotector (a VERY long time, which will lock up QuickPlay entirely!). Romdatas use something called a Virtual Treeview, which is amazing at displaying and letting you scroll through countless thousands of romdata lines at normal speed, but it does not cope well when it has to, live, examine the contents of every single zip file in the romdata for filenames in order to resolve a single filename. As with everything in software its a tradeoff. In future I guess I could cache a list of zip contents when initially scanning for roms to make this lightning fast, but that would have its own downsides, I'll sure consider it though!
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Re: Search not working properly in "goodmerged" lists

Post by davbarc » Wed Nov 16, 2022 3:16 am

I understand clearly! Thank you very much for taking the time to respond and for continuing to develop this incredible software, regards
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