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Data for Various Systems

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 2:50 pm
by stoniemahonie

here i attached custom rom data for various systems containing: company, game type, year, language, players.

Be aware that it's not complete data for whole systems/sets.

It is based on GOODset and Mame/FBN.

Alot of games are tagged as german in the language column, so i suggest to untick the option if you want your own language. The Data are often based on pal roms, but that counts mostly for home & handheld systems. Arcade Systems are mostly english.

How to use:

Unzip the small file.

Select the folder you want to use in the Quickplay Rom Browser (eg Super Nintendo) then use the "File->Import/Export This Folders Custom ROM Data" Function. Follow the onscreen instructions from there.

Depending on your setup, you might reuse the cps1-3 or mame/fba data, because i have them combined into one folder, you might have them as seperate systems.

If there is something wrong, feel free to tell me.

You'll find the following systems: atari2600, CPS1-3, demul-naomi, gb, gbc, gba, mame/fba, megadrive+32x, model2, model3, n64, NEOGEO, nes, scummvm, master system, shmups (based on mame/fba), snes, turbografx, zinc, c64

I'll add another file for butter100fly with cd/dvd systems, because the file naming of those is not consistent. But if others want to use them, i think you need to rename the entries inside the ini file to match your filenames without the extension. The dreamcast on the other hand might be interesting, bc it is mostly based on redump filenames.

Last Update: finetuned game-types - company information corrections and adjustments

Re: Data for Various Systems

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 1:33 pm
by butter100fly
amazing - thanks for these!