Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

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Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by u-neeks » Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:47 pm

Hello, First I would like to say, thanks for this Awesome Frontend. :)
I got QuickPlay 4.6.6, Mame 0.211 (Emulator, ROMs and SL ROMs).
I've read the wiki pages, everything is running fine outside of QuickPlay. Printing Mame Roms is also working perfectly, my problem is when I try to Print Softlists.
Apparently, some hash files are missing like that, the lists created seems to work without problem.
That's the result after print for the first time:

After check the mametool_logfile, I did copy these missing files: alphatro_cart.xml to alphatro_cass.xml, squale_cart.xml to squale.xml, etc... the result after Print became bigger but still way incomplete.
Also, took me a while to see these errors, because those won't show up in mametool_logfile:
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Re: Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by butter100fly » Sat Jul 27, 2019 11:00 pm


it shouldn't matter if some hash files are mentioned by the MAME xml but are missing, certainly the hash file for squale was missing from MAME's hash folder for years now...I think QuickPlay is telling you that something more fundamental seems to be wrong...

can i please check - referring to the instructions:
* see the mame options dialog box: did you download the mame 0.211 xml file and run a new mame scan (so your mame options window says that mame xml 0.211 is loaded - can you post me a screenshot of what the mame options page says?). Are you sure your mame xml and MAME's hash directory are from the same version of MAME?
* did you then run a new EFind after the 0.211 xml was loaded, and only THEN try to make the softlists?

could you also post/pm me your mamtool_logfile? maybe delete the file, then recreate the problem, then send me the file?

if it wasn't those things - do you/could you have an earlier version of mame (and the associated files you need) you could try this with? It would be great to know if you are also having this problem with some earlier version of MAME, for instance some version from a year or two ago?
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Re: Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by u-neeks » Sun Jul 28, 2019 9:45 am

Hi again.
Yes, I did launch Emu-finder, loaded the mame0211.xml, launched the Emu-finder again and replaced with new results, then tried to print the Softlist.
I am using mame0211b_64bit, mame0211lx taken from mamedev webpage.
When I tried to print softlist for the first time, I was using QuickPlay 4.6.6 with MameUi 0.211, I had everything deeper into my hard disk, bunch of symlinks... got that error, then I did set up everything on Mame 0.211, same thing happened. Then I redid everything on temp dir without any symlinks... using clean install of quickplay and mame, same results.


Loaded XML:

Second Emu-Finder: (selected all and replaced with new results)

First print Softlist: (same list and error I've posted before)

Second print after copy: alphatro_cart.xml to alphatro_cass.xml, squale_cart.xml to squale.xml:

Third print after copy: apple2_flop_misc.xml to apple2_misc.xml
At this point list is pretty big, perhaps complete, I have to check if there are more hash file missing.


Sorry to say but at the moment I don't have any other version of mame, previously, I was using QuickPlay 4.1.2 with some non mame emulators + pack of rooms, like nestopia + nes roms, visualboy advance + gba roms, outside of QuickPlay I had MameUI + mame roms(non softlist). Recently I just updated my Roms, I believe from 0.172 to 0.211, and got SL Roms for the first time... may be hard to find early versions of these roms... later I will try to find something.
mametool logs:
(4.19 KiB) Downloaded 946 times
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Re: Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by butter100fly » Sun Jul 28, 2019 3:20 pm

right thanks for the good set of data there, I think that should be enough for me to work on! If you've now got more than 100 softlist folders you've probably printed out all of them by working out that renaming xmls will fix this for you. I'll investigate and fix...
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Re: Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by butter100fly » Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:57 pm

Just to let you know i've fixed this problem, I lost the filtered list of softlists during a recent mod, my bad. There will be a significant release very shortly including this bugfix

I was wondering though, how exactly DID you capture that command line output? I've tried various things to reproduce that: specifically most of the things here: ... -execution

i'd love to know!
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Re: Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by u-neeks » Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:03 pm

Hello butter100fly, I have been not playing emulators since these old posts, I didn't even try any new QuickPlay versions yet, that why took me so long to reply... sorry about that.
At the time I did record my desktop to capture the prompt error, then I could pause the video and take a screenshot, sadly I don't know any solution to keep it from closing.

Thank you!
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Re: Printing MAME Softlist (errors)

Post by butter100fly » Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:24 am

No problem thanks for the reply. You'll see this issue was fixed long ago, about three releases ago I think

Thanks for the info: of course: Video Capture! didn't think of that. I'll make some easier way I opened a ticket:, but that will help will other uesr's problems before I can fix and release it, so thanks again!
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