QuickPlay and multiple screenshots and error checking for update

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QuickPlay and multiple screenshots and error checking for update

Post by jaw970 » Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:49 pm


Using QP 4.7.6 - Is there any way to set QP to show 3 screenshots per game in a triangle formation?

Example: Using QP and MAME, I would like to setup the game flyer at the top of the triangle and two screenshots (cabinet and snap), side by side below the flyer picture.

Also, If you click on Help --? Check for update, you get an error saying that QP cannot check for an update, make sure you have an Internet connection.

Thank you,
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Re: QuickPlay and multiple screenshots and error checking for update

Post by jaw970 » Sat Dec 14, 2024 6:29 pm

I guess this front end is dead. It's a shame because QP truly is a great and powerful front end. I hope I am wrong but by the looks of it, I fear I may not be. :(
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Re: QuickPlay and multiple screenshots and error checking for update

Post by butter100fly » Fri Feb 21, 2025 2:17 pm


So so so many apologies for the very late reply and leaving you thinking I'd abandoned things here: though QuickPlay isn't dead, the forum (and doutbless that updates link) have been ill for a little while whilst our friendly neighbourhood web-admin (and former QuickPlay maintainer), CorneliousJD, dealt with some bandwidth issues. All back now, and after clearing out all the spam I found your post here. Oh do not give up hope so soon! :D :D :D :D

Though the 'check for updates' link might not do you so much good these days (and apart from downloading those dual-screenshot-cover packs people posted a while back, or making your media-panel and screenshot sizes JUST right so you end up with a big-up-top and two little-below shots, not very feasable I guess), QuickPlay is most certainly not dead!!! I have been VERY busy. I am by no means finished, so not at all ready to show the world what I've been up to. But I have reached a good stage: I am, as we say, about to begin a period of eating my own dogfood.

And I could do with a little medium-term user-testing help - I had you in mind if you're interested in doing a little testing for me? You'll like it! (this offer is also open to any other QuickPlay user - anyone interested in some light software testing of the new 'version' of QuickPlay over the coming months - let me know below please - even if you don't read this for ages after I post this - its probably not too late). Excited? You should be.....

I have also been thinking a lot about GameBase and MameUI recently also, whose frontends, though built with entirely different technologies, ended up very similar to our own, not sure if you've ever used these also? I think we have MameUI pretty well covered at this point in QuickPlay (although certainly a little bit more UX is needed for QuickPlay's mametool), but I need to have a little chat with Jimbo at some point soon I think....
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Re: QuickPlay and multiple screenshots and error checking for update

Post by jaw970 » Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:10 am

Hi butter100fly!

WOOHOO!!! So happy to see you here and to know that QP is alive and well. My apologies for jumping to conclusions but reading about how things worked (or didn't work), it now makes sense why things happened the way they did. I truly understand real life and how busy someone can get. The last thing you want to do is get burned out, online or with real life.

As they say in broadcasting ... and now back to our regularly scheduled program" :)

As for testing things out, sure - sign me up! I'll be happy to test and report back to you. Let me know when you are ready for testing. I'll be in the bullpen for you.

I'll make it a point to check these boards more often.

Here's to a long and prosperous life (both real life and with QP)

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Re: QuickPlay and multiple screenshots and error checking for update

Post by butter100fly » Thu Mar 06, 2025 10:05 pm

Hello Jason!

Great you saw the message! Oh no, you misunderstand me: Yes of course I've been busy in real life. Of course. I'm sure you have as well....But what I meant is: i've been VERY busy, with QuickPlay!!! It may take some time to show the wider world this, but I have something ready that us QuickPlay enthusiasts can get relatively excited about

Thanks for the offer of testing help. I will indeed sign you up! Once again anyone else who sees this and wants to do the same...please do let me know!

Will get back to you v.shortly...
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